Bought from a well known auction site for a healthy discount. It's a sturdy item and the instructions are reasonable. Spare screws included. Unfortunately the design and order of assembly made it frustrating to assemble. This is particularly the case for the lower shelf where tiny fiddly screws had to be inserted and tightened from the inside in a tight gap with a sharp metal lip. Caused 2 chipped nails and much swearing. Too tight for an electric screwdriver so make sure you have a long Phillips screwdriver. Allen key screws would have been easier. Had to also push legs together under tension to align screws with holes on lower shelf. The folding shelf was not a good fit when upright due to screw heads standing proud rather than flush. Needed a mallet and will need a bash every time it's deployed. Now I've built it, it's good for the money and quite solid. Just a pain to put together because of design flaws. As you can see it's a great fit for a Ninja XL electric grill at half the price of the original accessory. Has shelves and hooks too.