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Kompresor powietrza VEVOR PCP, 800 W, dwucylindrowy kompresor powietrza PCP do karabinu pneumatycznego, 4500 PSI/30 MPa

Recenzje klientów dla Kompresor powietrza VEVOR PCP, 800 W, dwucylindrowy kompresor powietrza PCP do karabinu pneumatycznego, 4500 PSI/30 MPa


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  • 4.7
  • 4.8
  • 4.8
  • 4.9
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35 Recenzje
Wyczyść filtry
Tomasz Tomasz
Zrecenzowano Apr 02, 2024
Bardzo dobry produkt polecam każdemu miłośnikowi strzelania z wiatrówki pcp Butle nabija bardzo szybko
arkaszka arkaszka
Zrecenzowano Mar 02, 2024
Do małych butli bardzo dobra ,.Trzeba kontrolować chłodzenie ale daje radę jestem zadowolony, POLECAM.
Krzysztof Krzysztof
Zrecenzowano Jan 17, 2024
Witam. Sprzęt sprawnie ładuje kartusz karabinka, manometr przekłamuje wyłącza się samoczynnie przy zadanych 300 bar lecz w kartuszu pokazuje ok 250 bar. W związku z czym trzeba na kompresorze zadać trochę więcej. Podświetlenie kompresora led nie działa u mnie pod urządzeniem. Myślę że są to pierdoły i za te pieniążki i tak warto. Oby działał bez awaryjnie i będzie super.
Marek Marek
kompresor pcp
Zrecenzowano Jan 04, 2024
super produkt Wolalem dolozyc 300 zl i miec pewnosc chociaz na allior i w innych punktach sa gorsze w troszke mniejszej cenie lub podobne o conajmniej 500 zl wiecej Paczka przyszla bez problemow dobrze zabezpieczona Naprawde polecam
paweł paweł
Zrecenzowano Jan 02, 2024
bardzo przyzwoite urządzenie za rozsądną kasę, muszą jednak popracować nad instrukcją obsługi bo jest mało przejrzysta
robert duke robert duke
Zrecenzowano Jul 20, 2021
K. R. Phillips K. R. Phillips
Fans loud but pump quiet - does a great job for PCP.
Zrecenzowano Dec 19, 2022
Not as fast as the water-cooled pumps, but much more convenient and doesn't vibrate anything like as badly so actually quieter with the door closed (the water-cooled ones vibrate the whole house! The fans are loud, but I prefer that to the vibrations as you can just shut the door. Seems well built. Analogue shut off is not very accurate or easy to judge, would be better with a more accurate digital one but I usually wait and shut it off manually anyway using the bottle gauge so wasn't a deal breaker. Over all great value, would recommend for filling PCP rifles and topping off bottles.
Pete Pete
excellent bit of kit
Zrecenzowano Oct 30, 2022
Very well packaged, with clear instructions and included whip and fittings. Obviously , not all fittings will match your own set up. The compressor is a doddle to set up and use. In use it is reasonably fast. not overly noisy and does what it is supposed to do. Quality looks excellent for the price.
Redrobin Redrobin
Zrecenzowano Oct 25, 2022
Machine well built, but control board unreliable, machine works better when manual controlled, the fault seems to be the relay switch, but the company is a very helpful company to work with, I would not hesitate to buy from them again, customer service is great.
John John
Zrecenzowano Oct 14, 2022
There’s a few of this style pcp compressor to choose from but after a lot of research this seemed to be the best combination of reviews and price. I think it was a good choice. It will fill two guns to 210bar in a few minutes each. You have to keep a eye on temperature, not let it rise over 80 deg, but I pause filling for a minute or so when it gets around 72, which is once per fill (so fairly quickly) to avoid stressing the pump. Its chunky water separator is staying dry so far but moisture is blown out of the bleed valve when opened, apparently it helps to keep the gun higher than the pump when filling. So happy with it in that respect. It is noisy, when the compressor is engaged it sounds like an old diesel truck engine but it works very well. I am really happy with this purchase and have recommended this 350W compressor to friends at the range. It doesn’t disappoint.

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