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Mini tokarka tokarka do metalu 220x750mm Mini tokarka do obróbki metali

Recenzje klientów dla Mini tokarka tokarka do metalu 220x750mm Mini tokarka do obróbki metali

Metalowe koła zębate 750 mm

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Oceny według funkcji

  • 4.7
  • 4.8
  • 4.8
  • 4.9
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3 Recenzje
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LukaX13 LukaX13
Zrecenzowano Oct 14, 2023
Dobra tokarka w przystępnej cenie. Zanim zacznie się na niej pracować trzeba poświęcić nieco czasu na dokręcenie pewnych elementów i regulację. Posuw automatyczny można przełączać prawo-lewo, posiada trzy prędkości, ale mechanizm działa nieco topornie. Mocny silnik aż prosi się o szersze paski, bo te , które zastosował producent ślizgają przy większym obciążeniu i nie jest to kwestia naprężenia. Wiadomo, że nie jest to maszyna do ciężkiej pracy, ale wrzeciono potrafi się zatrzymać, mimo że silnik się obraca. Podsumowując, dla amatora hobbysty dobra maszyna. Ja jestem zadowolony. Polecam. Jeśli chodzi o sprzedawcę - pełen profesjonalizm, dobry kontakt i pomoc w rozwiązywaniu problemów (jeśli zaistnieją).
Bipp Weiler Bipp Weiler
Out of other mini lathes, this one has solid quality.
Zrecenzowano May 13, 2022
I got this and have been cleaning the grease off. For one that really helps you learn your machine.Things I have noticed on this mini lathe versus others on the market and their common issues:1) Spindle bearings are decent from the factory. I hear they die quickly, so I'll have to report back in a few months of use to see how they are. However, the chuck and spindle itself have a runout of +/- 0.0005". That's pretty good all things considered!2) Shipping for this specific product was great! It was bolted down to 2 blocks and had a box built around it with foam padding on either end, wrapped in a bag. Plenty of grease which may leave your ways stained a bit, but its only aesthetic and not dimensional.3) The ways are great! I've only gotten readings of <= +/- 0.0005" maximum at any point using a dial test indicator off the carriage.4) Simple construction. It is easy to disassemble and clean. The back gears and inside the electrical housing area is not covered with grease which saves cleaning in a tight space. All of the components past the headstock are greased/waxed pretty heavily, though.5) Lead screw is firmly mounted and the apron has an adjustable gib strip to move the half nut up and down if you need to modify it. This is great because it will save you from modding the apron or shimming it to avoid lead screw flex. Mine has no flex when engaging properly.6) Tailstock lock has a lever and is very easy to use. Adjustable pre-load for how sensitive you want the lock lever travel to be.7) Graduation dials can be set like a normal lathe.8) Higher RPM than other mini lathes9) All metal change gears, although there are fewer of them. There is a set for $100 more here on Amazon as well for more sizes of gears that I will probably be buying.10) Can run without the gear cover! This is great if you have any modifications that disallow it closing. I plan on eventually 3D printing a gearbox to test with this lathe and eventually machining one from metal on the lathe itsel
Jon C. Jon C.
Fair starter lathe for the price. After a lot of work you will have a $2,500 lathe.
Zrecenzowano Aug 04, 2020
First, the tool holder base came in pink. Why would you paint this pink I_ going to feature this lathe in online videos so I now need to strip off and repaint this damn pink paint. It_ a good starter lathe as long as you know you will have to spend a lot of time tinkering with it to get it running. A lot of time needs to be spent deburing the metal parts and getting the metal shavings and grinding grit out of it. I needed to air hammer out a casting defect to properly tighten a mounting bolt.

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