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VEVOR Narzędzie do grawerowania kulek jubilerskich 78 mm średnica kulki, imadło do grawerowania kulek jubilerskich 54 mm Maks. otwarcie Profesjonalne imadło kulkowe Chromowanie

Recenzje klientów dla VEVOR Narzędzie do grawerowania kulek jubilerskich 78 mm średnica kulki, imadło do grawerowania kulek jubilerskich 54 mm Maks. otwarcie Profesjonalne imadło kulkowe Chromowanie

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  • 4.7
  • 4.8
  • 4.8
  • 4.9
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33 Recenzje
Wyczyść filtry
Poppy Minnaar Poppy Minnaar
Zrecenzowano Oct 25, 2024
A good weight and spin to the main vise. However some of the accessories arrived rusted and there are machining burns on the tip of the ball vise where the pins would go. Good amount of accessories for the price.
CrinklyBottom CrinklyBottom
Zrecenzowano Sep 08, 2024
I have had my eye on getting a ball vise for a while now but the pricier brands are not in my budget currently. I had been looking at these and wondering if it was going to be a case of 'buy cheap, buy twice'. Honestly I actually wish I had gotten one of these sooner because in my experience it is worth it. I have used it for several settings now and it has vastly improved the ease and speed of the job. The vise itself feels reasonable quality and the jaws are sturdy, they have so far given me no problems. i have only used the ring clamp accessories so far and whilst these are not the best, despite feeling cheap, they do actually give a good hold on the work. I have spare leather to replace as this will probably be the first thing to wear. I am expecting to have to do some adaptations for my working, but then what tools don't the trade adapt to their needs. There are a few YouTube videos addressing cheap ball vise modifications and I have found these to be useful for future ideas. Don't get me wrong, I love this thing, but it does lack in the quality of accessories, but if you look at it for the ball itself and have a creative approach to the accessories, it's doing the job and making my earning easier for now. In my opinion, this has been worth spending on. I cant justify the price hikes on the grs, when this does the same job.
Star Blyden Star Blyden
Zrecenzowano Sep 05, 2024
Absolutely fantastic. The ball vise makes my life so much easier when it comes to holding rings for setting and engraving. I love the attachments it came with. And the price! A fraction of the cost of some other names. But the quality is amazing. Holds Mt work securely and safe from any damaging which I've had with other vises that I have used. Delivery was super quick which I really appreciate. I would definitely recommend this ball vise! Thank you Vevor.
Uan Uan Uan Uan
Zrecenzowano Jul 06, 2024
Kula sama w sobie działa pięknie, tylko akcesoria są mało użyteczne. Podczas szlifowania topią się plastikowe nakładki. Szczęki nie do końca precyzyjnie łapią. Mogło by być lepiej ,ale cena wszystko osładza.
Leah Leah
Zrecenzowano May 19, 2024
This is brilliant. Just what I need and nowhere near the price of the GRS
Karina Karina
kula grawerska
Zrecenzowano Apr 10, 2024
Dobra jakość !!! Odpowiednia cena. Przyrząd został przetestowany,Nie mam zastrzeżeń co do jego funkcjonalności. Polecam
Angela Angela
Zrecenzowano Dec 22, 2023
Definitely worth it. I was using a regular work holder but the round bottom is great when stone setting.
Elaine Saunders Elaine Saunders
Zrecenzowano Oct 08, 2023
Amazing product, heavy and does exactly what I need it to do. Would recommend for anyone stone setting at a fraction of the price
Sharon Noble Sharon Noble
Zrecenzowano Aug 02, 2023
So easy to use & a lot cheeper than some on the market & does the same job. It's really help & made my life easier!
Vanessa Fielder Vanessa Fielder
Zrecenzowano Apr 15, 2023
Definitely a fabulous item, I also the GRS system. This is better and costs £600 less. Buy this model.

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